Would you, too, do this to your pet?
Before you do, try it yourself instead to see what your dog experiences everytime you walk him/her.
JULIUS-K9®, one of the world’s most innovative dog equipment manufacturers, invests huge amounts of money in order to offer you and your dog the ultimate comfort and security. The experience gained so far and the numerous tests performed by veterinarians and physiotherapists in relation to the Y-harness support the following conclusion:
In most cases, descriptions of the Y-front harnesses fail to mention the risks associated with an unfavourable curve of the neck section, or with the incorrect size setting, which tightens the blood vessels and/or the neck nerves and puts a heavy load on the dog’s shoulder area. While walking your dog on a leash, within a minute the dog’s neck is affected by over a hundred small tugs, even when only counting the movement of the forelegs. These tiny tugs running through the animal’s body impose a heavy burden on the spinal column.
There is extensive research into similar micro vibrations in the field of human medicine (Hand-Arm Vibrationssyndrom HAVS), but it is particularly scarce in veterinary medicine, despite the fact that the magnitude of the load when walking a dog on the leash can be accurately determined with measuring instruments. In the case of dogs, primarily the bodies of the elderly and those of the rapidly growing young dogs can easily become long-term victims of this, just like in the case of humans. We, as dog owners and trainers experience the over-excited behaviour of our puppies jerking the leash, but when they become old we also see their tiny, painful steps as well.
The straps of badly-shaped Y-harnesses burden the dog’s neck on both sides – in the vertical direction from the shoulder belt and circling under the chest. The pain moves with the rhythm of the steps, and tightens on the shoulders, unless the harness has thick padding intended for sled dogs. However, such padding is less suitable for everyday use.
It is to this problem that, with the recently developed dog harnesses equipped with the “Guard your joint” (G.Y.J.) joint protection system, Gyula Julius Sebő, the inventor of JULIUS-K9® Powerharnesses, found a solution to. This harness has a flexible property which reduces the micro vibrations, thus, as a result, significantly increases the comfort of both the animal, and that of the master.
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