Fake product sellers get caught on Facebook too
A Portuguese trader selling fake dog harnesses on the social media Facebook has been finally convicted.
JK9® hilft beim Schutz bedrohter Nashörner in Afrika
JK9® hat weltweit mehr als 150 Partner, die alle hervorragende Arbeit leisten und unser Unternehmen und unsere Produkte repräsentieren.
Is there such a thing as an “unhealthy” dog harness?
Besides our active involvement in animal protection and welfare, Julius-K9® has been developing dog harnesses for over 20 years. As a result, we have been able to create harnesses of unquestionable quality and in iconic designs.
IDC® Powerharness Durability Test at “Ebárvaház” Animal Welfare Association
We, at the “Ebárvaház” Nonprofit Association, also want to provide our protégés with the best possible dog equipment used in the shelter. For daily walks, we have recommended the IDC® Powerharness from the very beginning. Here, they really need indestructible and reliable pieces!
A little bird told me the crisis is over
After 25 years of running a company, I could say that we leaders, really should pay attention to what our intuition tells us.
„Y” harness or chest harness? Be careful of what you believe
Information misleading customers, disguised as expert opinion, is circulating on the Internet about certain dog harness types being unhealthy, while other harnesses are not. The proliferators of fake news, without actually studying and having real knowledge of dog harnesses and …
Special recognition for Julius-K9®
Julius-K9®’s application material called “A Biomechanical Solution for the Protection of Joints” has won an innovation award. This significant innovation is non-other than the IDC®Longwalk dog harness, which has already been awarded internationally, and in which the DuoFlex® system has been integrated.