Polizeihund Hank im Sicherheits-Training für die EM 2020 | BR24

In einem Jahr findet die Fußball-EM 2020 statt - München ist Austragungsort von drei Gruppenspielen und einem Viertelfinale. Fans aus ganz Europa werden zu Gast sein - da ist die Sicherheit in der Stadt und im Stadion besonders wichtig. Bei der Polizei werden bei solchen Veranstaltungen auch Hunde eingesetzt - deren Ausbildung beginnt schon jetzt.

From Zoo to Zooming Career

Gyula „Julius” Sebő, the founder of Julius-K9®, used to work as a dog trainer at a young age. When he took home his first dog, a female Dobermann, his father forbade him to make a “zoo” out of their apartment.

Collar or dog harness?

A couple of decades ago, there was no question about what to put on your pet as options were limited to either a leather or chain collar. Today, however, it is easy to get lost, as one can not only choose from a number of different collars, but also from a variety of harnesses.

No imitation. Only innovation.

Gyula “Julius” Sebő, inventor of the world-famous original JULIUS-K9® dog harnesses, has received the 3rd Plagiarius award of 2020 in Frankfurt, which was “earned” by a Chinese company for their counterfeit product.