Julius-K9® on the side of Taiwanese animal welfare activists
Our company knows no borders when it comes to animal welfare. This time we have contacted the Taiwanese activists of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) animal welfare organization, who have been in successful operation for …
JULIUS-K9® has been proven in a long-term test
At JULIUS-K9® we believe that objective tests carried out based on scientific research greatly helps our work as well as provides a direction for our development. JULIUS-K9® has been carrying out significant amounts of no-cost-spared scientific research and numerous tests …
Julius-K9® dog foods presented at the annual meeting of Trixie wholesalers
Trixie, a partner of Julius-K9® distributing dog equipment, regularly invites its trading partners from all over the world to exchange experiences about market changes and product policy.
A dog harness must be lined, but it matters what it is lined with
The dog’s hair and skin deserve care and attention, therefore, it is important to pay attention to making sure that the harness lining is made from a material that we ourselves would be happy to have in contact with our …
Would you, too, do this to your pet?
Before you do, try it yourself instead to see what your dog experiences everytime you walk him/her. JULIUS-K9®, one of the world’s most innovative dog equipment manufacturers, invests huge amounts of money in order to offer you and …
Wie sich die Firma Julius-K9® in mein Herz geschlichen hat
Als Hundefan und Hundebesitzer bin ich ausgesprochen aufmerksam, damit mein vierbeiniger Freund immer das Beste bekommt. Egal ob es um Futter, Baden oder um nächtliche Spaziergänge geht.
JULIUS-K9®-Produkte haben sich auch bei langfristigen Tests bewährt
Wir bei JULIUS-K9® glauben daran, dass die auf wissenschaftlichen Grundlagen basierenden und objektiven Tests, unserer Arbeit helfen und richtungsweisend für unsere Forschungen sind.
For the attention of responsible dog owners!
Information misleading consumers and disguised as expert advice is circulating the Internet claiming that while some types of dog harness are unhealthy, other types of harness are not. Those veterinarians, who take a position on this issue, strongly reject the …