D.E.B – Blues Impro
Somodi László, Dabi Tibor, Faragó Sándor, Sebő Gyula
D.E.B – Eszmélet
József Attila versének megzenésített előadása Szigetszentmiklóson.
D.E.B – Karóval jöttél
A zenekar 2010-es albumáról szól József Attila versének feldolgozása...
IDC® Powerharness safety and comfort VIDEO
IDC® Powerharness is very popular thanks to its heavy-duty, secure, easy-to-use, clear and clean design. For the optimum load distribution planning the size and situation of the chest strap in the innovative harness is based on mathematical calculations. – A …
Julius-K9® at the Tampa Bay Pet Expo
We’ve been a big hit at the Tampa Bay Pet Expo. Not only the crowd but FOX 13 was also interested in our work. Thanks to all! The program was fantastic, the visitors were curious, and everybody loved the Julius-K9 …
Conference – Seattle
The JULIUS-K9® group shared its global intellectual property strategy with leading experts at INTA’s (International Trademark Association) 140th Annual Meeting in Seattle from May 19th to May 23rd 2018, which was attended by more than 9,000 participants from over 150 …
Juki and Julius-K9® – Leading The Way In Harnesses
Julius-K9® is the one of the worlds leading dog harness manufactures sold and used globally. They have been in business since 1997 and have gone from strength to strength over the years making them the world number one in their …