Military dogs on stamps
The coolest thing for today! Recently, the American Postal Service (USPS) has issued a new collection of stamps in the honour of military dogs. The collection features the breeds most popular in the armed forces, German Shepherd, Labrador Retriever, Malinois …
Cooler geht‘s nicht mehr!
Die Kollektion stellt den „Deutschen Schäferhund“, den „Labrador Retriever“ und den Holländischen Schäferhund „Hollandse Herder“ und den Belgischen Schäferhund „Malinois“ dar, welche die beliebtesten Hunderassen bei den Streitkräften sind.
Raining success – and dogs – K-9 SPORT KFT.
The Hungarian Julius-K9® brand, renowned by dog owners for its quality and unique solutions, may well be called the BMW of dog harnesses. The revenue of this business that started out in a garage now exceeds Ft5 billion (€15.8 million). …
A new joint-friendly dog harness from Julius-K9®
#SP Julius Sebo, the Hungarian founder of Julius K9 dog harnesses, loves to solve puzzles. As the leader of an innovating and pioneering company in the world of dogs, he is always on the lookout for new problems to solve. …
Spot Officiel Gueules d’Anges
L’association Gueules d’Anges, créée en 2014, a pour but de montrer le vrai visage de ces chiens qu’on dit „dangereux”. Le spot, tourné par des professionnels bénévoles, montre à travers des images très positives la vérité sur la plupart de …
What can a dog company do for rhinos?
The diverse support system of Julius-K9® is reflected strongly within dog circles, but the company has proven time to time that it can lend a helping hand in many fields of animal protection.