Entrepreneur of the Year Award
The “EY Entrepreneur of The Year” awards were held on 7 November 2019 at the Pesti Vígadó, where Julius Sebő, inventor and the owner of JULIUS-K9® Group, won the” Entrepreneur of the Year” award together with two other businessmen.
A nurse, working abroad in Austria, and a guitar player-turned-dog trainer, achieved that only a few Hungarians could do since the collapse of the iron curtain: they developed and manufactured domestically their own product while building a consumer love-brand popular worldwide. The Julius-K9 dog harnesses are the second most copied Hungarian inventions just after the Rubik's cube.
Aphrodite II: – Coordinated Industrial Property Rights Operation
Due to a joint operation between the Italian Guardia di Finanza, the Intellectual Property Crime Coordination Centre and the law enforcement agencies of nine EU member states, over 20 thousand packages have recently been seized and thousands of bank accounts shut down.
Brand gefährdet – Die geheimnisvolle Hunderasse im Amazonasgebiet
Der Kurzohrfuchs (short-eared dog / Atelocynus microtis) wurde zum ersten Mal Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts im Regenwald gesichtet. Der Verwandte unserer Haushunde, welcher zur Art der Echten Hunde gehört, lebt hier sehr zurückgezogen.
Die Fälscher: Milliarden-Geschäft mit Fakes aus China
Reportern des NDR und der „Zeit“ ist es gelungen, den Weg eines gefälschten Rucksacks zurückzuverfolgen...
Amazon’s mystery dog species endangered by forest fires
The short-eared dog (Atelocynus microtis) was first spotted in the rainforest in the late 1800s...
Julius-K9 hilft Nashörnern in Not
Hast du schon Mal ein Nashorn gesehen? Wenn nicht im Zoo oder gar auf einer Safari, dann doch mindestens in Filmen oder auf Fotos. Kannst du dir vorstellen, dass deine Enkel oder Urenkel diese Tiere vielleicht nicht mehr erleben werden?
Health, safety and comfort – your dog longs for LONGWALK too
When it comes to our dogs, health is one of the most important issues. There are many issues we can tackle easily – when we see that our dog is in a good mood, interested, has a good appetite, we are reassured that he feels good. But does he really feel as good as possible?