JULIUS-K9® in protection of endangered species
The balance of the relationship between nature and humans is also greatly influenced by our connection to aquatic life. At the JULIUS-K9® sites, we have created several lakes and ponds, with mainly the intention of helping conserve endangered, amphibian and …
Universitätsforschung über Hundegeschirre
Hundegeschirre haben viel dazu beigetragen, dass wir mit unseren Lieblingen mehr Zeit verbringen und mehr Erlebnisse teilen können. Man könnte sogar sagen, dass die Botschaft des Hundegeschirrs lautet: „Geht gemeinsam! Immer! Überall!“ Nur sollte man die Geschirre noch der jeweiligen …
There is currently a ticking bomb below Europe
State efficiency in disaster-scenarios directly depends on the independence of the European economy. This is no different in case of the coronavirus.
Praktische Hilfe für unsere alternden Lieblinge
Auf Spaziergängen benötigen unsere alternden Vierbeiner besondere Aufmerksamkeit. Genau dabei hilft ihnen das IDC-PowergeschirrⓇ.
Go Together! Everyday. Everywhere.
This is the lifestyle we became pioneers in with the Powerharness.
Lectures on branding and industrial property at the Julius-K9® centre
The MAPI (abbreviation for „Hungarians on the market”) club’s latest event was held on the 14th of November 2019, under the name of „International branding and the protection of industrial property” at JULIUS-K9®’s headquarters in Szigetszentmiklós. Julius Sebő…
Our harnesses are officially safe
The Austrian animal-welfare authorities have tested our K9® Powerharness, IDC® Powerharness, IDC® Longwalk and Hard Dog Race® harnesses to see if they are safe from an animal-welfare point of view. During the development of our products, we have …
We were granted the Superbrands award!
For the first time in 2019 we were granted the Superbrands award, which for our consumers is an assurance of quality, and for us is a significant professional feedback that we are on the right track.