For the first time in 2019 we were granted the Superbrands award, which for our consumers is an assurance of quality, and for us is a significant professional feedback that we are on the right track.
A nurse, working abroad in Austria, and a guitar player-turned-dog trainer, achieved that only a few Hungarians could do since the collapse of the iron curtain: they developed and manufactured domestically their own product while building a consumer love-brand popular worldwide. The Julius-K9 dog harnesses are the second most copied Hungarian inventions just after the Rubik's cube.
Hast du schon Mal ein Nashorn gesehen? Wenn nicht im Zoo oder gar auf einer Safari, dann doch mindestens in Filmen oder auf Fotos. Kannst du dir vorstellen, dass deine Enkel oder Urenkel diese Tiere vielleicht nicht mehr erleben werden?
– it puts an end to a case which has been going on for 3 years – It is already the third anniversary of the date on which a decades-old Spanish mammoth company filed a notice of opposition against the …
The joint-friendly IDC®Longwalk - Guard Your Joints dog harness, developed by a Hungarian company engaged in the manufacture of dog equipment for 20 years, has won the Red Dot Award in 2019.