Foot massage shows its beneficial effects on the body from the very first moments. We have created a massage ball with a control cord to support self-healing activities.
One of the consequences of severe back, shoulder or neck pain is that we take painkillers. However, no matter how much we try to spare our bodies from these side effects, our digestive system, blood pressure and our body in general will protest against artificial painkillers.
Quelle: Bayerisches Innenministerium Schnell, flexibel, unerschrocken: Die Rettungshunde der Bergwacht Bayern sind – am Ende ihrer Ausbildung – wahre Multitalente. Kein technisches Gerät kommt an die schnellen Spürnasen von Floki und Max heran. Im Winter werden die Rettungshunde vor allem …
Flyball is a team sport for dogs; the canine equivalent of a relay race. Dogs sprint over a series of hurdles, trigger a spring pad to release a tennis ball, catch the ball, and dash back.
A természetes, vizes élőhelyek újjáteremtése és a már meglévők megőrzése ma minden természetvédőnek, így a gerillakertészeknek is az egyik legfontosabb feladata.