The Austrian animal-welfare authorities have tested our K9® Powerharness, IDC® Powerharness, IDC® Longwalk and Hard Dog Race® harnesses to see if they are safe from an animal-welfare point of view. During the development of our products, we have …
When it comes to our dogs, health is one of the most important issues. There are many issues we can tackle easily – when we see that our dog is in a good mood, interested, has a good appetite, we are reassured that he feels good. But does he really feel as good as possible?
A Novum az innováció, a tudomány és a technológia magazinműsora. Az M5 tűzte műsorára azt az összeállítást, melyben a JULIUS-K9®-ről és a Longwalk ízületkímélő kutyahámról részletes beszámolót kaptak a nézők.
The joint-friendly IDC®Longwalk - Guard Your Joints dog harness, developed by a Hungarian company engaged in the manufacture of dog equipment for 20 years, has won the Red Dot Award in 2019.