Shoulder Pain Treatment with Soft Laser

Shoulder Pain Treatment with Soft Laser

Our shoulders are already under a lot of pressure today. This is accompanied by physical signs and symptoms. When shoulder pain has a negative effect on sleep, it is indicative of the need to pay greater attention to this important …

Idejétmúlt az EU vezérgondolata

Minden vállalkozás, gazdasági társaság életében lennie kell egy főcímként kiírható vezérgondolatnak, ami a jövőbe mutat. Anélkül belekezdeni sem lenne szabad semmibe.

What could be the task of a robot dog?

Julius-K9 was the first company in Europe 25 years ago to develop and sell bulletproof vests and stab-resistant clothing for military and police dogs. In a wartime situation, the dog saves human lives and often sacrifices its life for the …